Translate your work into clear writing that accelerates publication and reaches a broader audience.
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Translation with Editing Services

Authors with manuscripts in languages other than English (LOTE) often face difficulties in converting and expressing their work in English to meet the journal guidelines. Our Translation and Editing Services help such authors translate their work into clear and consistent writing, improving their chances of publication and maximizing the impact of their work.

Explore our Comprehensive Translation with Editing Services

Explore our translation services for these language pairs and more. Request a quote today.

Translation Services Features 

Expert Senior

Expert Senior

Transforms your manuscript into academic English with subject area conventions and precise technical terminology.
Bilingual Reviewer


Ensures that your translation is flawless and preserves the original meaning of your work.
subject-matter expert editor

Subject Matter
Expert Editor

Enhances the grammar, punctuation, formatting, language style, fluency, and clarity of your work.


Verifies that all the requirements are met and your manuscript is submission-ready. 

Samples of Top Journal Academic Translations

Our Editors

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Benefits of Choosing our Academic Translation Service

Manuscript Translation and Editing by subject-matter experts

Your document will be translated, edited, and reviewed by a senior translator and an editor with subject-matter expertise. 

100% Quality Guarantee and On-time Delivery

If you are not satisfied with our work or, by any chance, the journal rejects the manuscript due to language issues, we will rework your document till it meets your expectations. 

Discounted Re-editing Support

We provide discounted re-editing support for 365 days under our translation and editing services, which ensures our support till you achieve publication success.

Unlimited Q&As with the Editor

We offer unlimited Q&As with the translator or editor, which can help you discuss any comments or feedback, ensuring that all your doubts are addressed and the manuscript is submission-ready.

Translation and Editing Certificate

We provide a translation and editing certificate that serves as a confirmation that your manuscript has been translated and edited and signifies that your manuscript, with all proposed changes incorporated, is ready for journal submission. 

24/7 Customer Service Support

We have a customer service team that is available 24/7 to help authors with any questions or requests and a faster resolution, ensuring that we are always present for your assistance. 

How it works

We go beyond mere translation. Our four comprehensive steps transform your document into a submission-ready manuscript


Step 1

A language specialist in your subject area translates your manuscript into academic English. 

Step 2

A bilingual expert checks the accuracy and consistency of the translation. 

Step 3

A senior editor with subject-matter expertise edits and formats your manuscript.

Step 4

A senior reviewer checks the manuscript to ensure that it is submission-ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

SPJ Author Services offers the translation services for the following language pairs:
  • Traditional and Simplified Chinese to English
  • Japanese to English
  • Korean to English
  • Brazilian Portuguese to English
  • Turkish to English
The time taken for translation will depend on the word/character count of the document and the service you choose. For example, Japanese to English translation of a 3000–5000-word document would take around 4–6 days.
Our translation services include a thorough translation, editing, and review process. Once the document is translated by an experienced translator, the translated document is reviewed by a bilingual expert to check that the author’s original meaning is retained.
We guarantee that the quality of English in all documents edited by SPJ Author Services will meet the standards of the international publishing industry. This guarantee applies to every document edited by us, regardless of the service, deadline, or fee. If your manuscript receives unfavorable comments from the journal because of the quality of English, we will re-edit your manuscript for free, if you had addressed all the editor's notes and comments and not made any significant changes to the edited manuscript prior to submission.
If you have any questions about your translation or editing after you receive your completed manuscript, please log in to your SPJ Author Services Account and submit your questions through the Client Questions section.
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